
Kaaron Warren's Into Bones Like Oil Playlist

Kaaron Warren’s new novella, Into Bones Like Oil is out now and she was kind enough to share her book playlist with us as part of the blog tour. Be sure to check out the book, and links to the songs and albums in Kaaron’s playlist below.

INTO BONES LIKE OIL by Kaaron Warren
RELEASE DATE: 11/12/19
GENRE: Dark Fantasy / Paranormal

People come to The Angelsea, a rooming house near the beach, for many reasons. Some come to get some sleep, because here, you sleep like the dead. Dora arrives seeking solitude and escape from reality. Instead, she finds a place haunted by the drowned and desperate, who speak through the sleeping inhabitants. She fears sleep herself, terrified that the ghosts of her daughters will tell her “it’s all your fault we’re dead.” At the same time, she’d give anything to hear them one more time.

BUY LINKS:  IndieBound | Amazon Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kaaron Warren has been publishing ground-breaking fiction for over twenty years. Her novels and short stories have won over 20 awards, from local literary to international genre. She writes horror steeped in awful reality, with ghosts, hauntings, guilt, loss, love, crime, punishment and a lack of hope.

AUTHOR LINKS: Website Twitter | Goodreads

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Kaaron: I don’t always listen to music when I’m writing. I find it can be distracting, take me away from the page and into dancing around the room singing.

 With Into Bones Like Oil, music became an important factor. The setting, a rooming house, is inspired by an actual rooming house I stayed in about 20 years ago. So, while the story is set in the present rather than the past, I wanted to place myself back in that era, to help remind myself of the place.

So I listened to the music I was listening to back then: How Does Your Garden Grow from Better Than Ezra;  Here Be Monsters from Ed Harcourt; Clandestino from Manu Chao; Fail from Reeb de Nexus; The Crow soundtrack.

 I also listened to recent favourites, music that inspires words and thoughts in me and that I just love: Hozier from Hozier; Dreaming Wide Awake from Lizz Wright; the True Detective soundtrack; A New Day at Midnight from David Gray; Barry Adamson; The Decemberists; Yhan Leal from Yhan Leal; Moved to Duarte from Les Bohem.

Then I listened to Sisters of Mercy’s Floodland, because I needed to get up and move around and when I put on “This Corrosion”, I can’t help but dance.

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