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    Excerpt from Kathe Koja’s Dark Park

    We are thrilled to share an excerpt from Kathe Koja’s new book, Dark Park, a follow-up to her immersive novel Dark Factory. The only thing wilder than a night at the club is the morning after, in Paradise. DARK FACTORY opened the doors to a reality-bending dance club, an online immersive portal, and the feeling […] More

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    Q&A with Samara Breger & Excerpt from A Long Time Dead

    Calling all Twilight fans who can’t get enough! Samara Breger’s A Long Time Dead (Bywater Books, May 16, 2023) is a lush, tongue-in-cheek Victorian romance about the lengths two women will go to secure a love that cannot die. We are pleased to share this Q&A with the author, along with an excerpt from her book. What inspired you […] More